A Walk in Time

How many of you remember the old downtown BEFORE redevelopment? How many of you remember Brian Saul’s amazing video tour of the old downtown? Some of you may still have the VHS copy. We dug out the original and had it digitized to DVD. The nearly two hour video includes interviews with Dyer Bennett, Inez Fanning, Dean Millen, Frank Schweitzer, Catherine Seiler, Walt Bergman and others! Brian tours Sam’s Place, The Brea Hotel, Missionary Baptist Church, the log cabin, and many, many more sites. Here is a short seven minute clip of the video to give you an idea. (Not the best editing but the full DVD is perfect!)

We will be selling these DVD’s for $15.00 later this month but you can pre-order it now for only $12.00. Place your order below or visit the museum. Pre-orders close on September 27th. Be sure to reserve your copy!


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